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Starting Reception

Starting Reception is an important step for children.

It is exciting but can also be scary - for children and for parents!

In Nursery, children started their school journey and Nursery laid the foundations. In reception we will build on these strong foundations.

We will be with you every step of the way. If there is anything you are unsure of please phone or email us and we will always help.

You can click HERE to go to the EYFS learning page. 

You can click HERE to go to the School Meals page.


School Readiness is about helping children get ready to start in Reception.

There are 10 keys to unlocking school readiness.

If children can do these 10 things before starting reception, then they have the best chance for success as they begin school.

If your child is in Nursery they will focus on these keys - working on them at home will mean more success!

Here are the ten keys:
  • I can settle happily without my parent or carer.
  • I can tell grown-ups and friends what I need.
  • I can take turns to play and share when I’m playing.
  • I can go to the toilet on my own and wash my hands.
  • I can put on my own coat and shoes and feed myself.
  • I can tell a grown-up if I’m happy, sad or cross.
  • I know that what I do and say can make others happy or unhappy.
  • I am curious and want to learn and play.
  • I can stop doing what I’m doing, listen and follow simple instructions.
  • I enjoy sharing books with grown-ups.

We have also made class videos for your child to watch with you. If your child is in the Robins class, please click on the Robins video link below to watch a video of your child’s new classroom and for Raccoons please click on the Raccoon link.


Robins Welcome Video

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Raccoons welcome video


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Whales welcome video.


 click on the links below to find out more about starting reception.