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PE in our school



At Cotmanhay Infant and Nursery School we recognise the value of Physical Education and School Sport. We follow the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop skills in a wide range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives

Physical Education at Cotmanhay Infant and Nursery School will develop pupils’ physical literacy and allows them to learn about themselves, the importance of healthy lifestyles, self-expression, decision making and social skills. Our pupils will know how to collaborate and cooperate as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values. They will learn that they can use PE in their future lives, possibly leading to a career in teaching, Sports Science, or a Professional Athlete.


  • Planning is completed weekly and half-termly in year group teams using knowledge of children, expectations, skills progression and wider opportunities We follow the imoves scheme of work which also gives pupils access to online learning should they need to isolate at home.
  • The long term plan links to termly topics where applicable.
  • We have good quality resources.
  • We ensure ongoing assessment of children’s learning.
  • CPD supports teacher knowledge and expertise in subject areas which is shared with all staff. CPD is offered through our affiliation with Erewash School Sports Partnership.
  • We offer a variety of extra-curricular activities through outside agencies which is funded through  the School Sports Premium.
  • In KS1, pupils take part in two sessions of physical activity each week which provide challenge and enjoyable learning by using a range of sporting activities such as: games, dance and gymnastics as well as activities they may not have experienced before like yoga and pilates.
  • The EYFS has one formal PE session a week alongside the environmental physical environment of the EY curriculum.

PE and school sport is offered at lunchtimes via our Play Leader who provides a variety of guided games and activities.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Outcomes
  • Progress made from starting points
  • Conversations with children that demonstrate they know, can do and remember more than they did before
  • Monitoring the impact on children’s health and well-being
  • Reflecting on standards achieved against planned outcomes.
  • Pupils have a voice within lessons to feedback on their own and other’s performance using kind, specific and helpful comments. 
  • Pupil discussion to gain knowledge of the pupil’s understanding of what they are learning within lessons.










Children by the end of KS1 should be competent in the core skills and be physically ready for KS2 physical education.

How you can help your child at home

  • Walk to and from school and whenever else you can.
  • Provide opportunities for active play with friends outside of school.
  • Encourage your child to take up a sport or structured exercise hobby.
  • Encourage moderately intensive activity for at least one hour every day (for example, four 15-minute periods) such as brisk walking, dance, games, swimming, cycling, or active play.
  • Encourage activities that enhance and maintain muscular strength, flexibility and bone health at least twice a week, such as climbing, skipping, jumping or gymnastics.
  • Teach your child to be aware of health risks, such as smoking, drinking and stress.
  • Daily, offer your child five fruits and vegetables in a variety of types and colours.




PE and School Sports Premium